Title: Birdy the Mighty
(Tetsuwan Birdy)
Created by: Masami Yuuki
Produced by: Bandai
Format: OAV series
Length: 4 OAVs
Opening Song: Not available
Ending Song: "Future Shock" & "Let's Start With Goodbye" (2nd)
Birdy Cephon Altera... Kotono Mitsuishi
Tsutomu Senkawa... Tetsuya Iwanaga
Distribution: U.S. Manga Corps

...While chasing down a monster on Earth, intergalactic law enforcer Birdy ran into a young man named Tsutomu. Unfortunately, he was killed during the incident. Birdy's superior tells her that she must bond with Tsutomu in order for him to live out his life. So Birdy and Tsutomu become one. However, Birdy still has to stop the bad guys.

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