Title: Akazukin Chacha
(Red Riding Hood Chacha)

Created by: Min Ayabana
Produced by: NAS
Format: Television series & OAV Series
Length: 74 episodes & 1 OAV
Opening Song: "Kimi Iro Omoi"
Ending Song: "Egao ga Sukidakara"
& "Chacha Ni Omakase" (2nd)
& "Youkoso Magical School He" (3rd)
Chacha... Masami Suzuki
Shiine... Noriko Hidaka
Riiya... Shingo Katori
Seravi... Tohru Senrui
Distribution: Groupe Virelai

...Chacha is a young girl training to become a witch. Her teacher, Seravi, finally allows her to go to magic school where she is confronted with trouble. There, she is able to use or magic or mess up trying. Also, once Chacha and her friends combine the magical items given to them, Chacha can transform into the Magical Princess Holy Up.

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