Title: Corrector Yui
Created by: Kia Asamiya
Produced by: Nippon Housou Kyoukai
Format: Television series
Length: 52 episodes
Opening Song: "A Place Called Eternity"
& "Sometimes I'll Become a Bird" (2nd)
Ending Song: "Mirage" & "Requiem" (2nd)
Yui Kasuga... Makiko Ohmoto
Haruna Kisaragi... Yuuko Toshida
I.R. ... Tomohiro Nishimura
Distribution: none

...Yui Kasuga is a normal girl who lives in the future where computers are everywhere and are controlling everything. While at her computer at school, Yui thinks she sees some orange object on the screen, but it disappears. She takes the disk home and loads it. Suddenly, the orange thing returns. Its name is I.R. and has been sent to fetch Yui. It tells her that an evil virus named Grosser is causing havoc in cyberspace. And only Yui can stop it. To do so, she must find a program called "Corrector". With it, she can stop Grosser from taking over the world of computers and humanity itself.

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